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The Jessica Phoenix Story

ISBN: 978-0-9688438-1-9

Julie and Jessica – The Writer and The Rider (c. Roar 2017)


For booking inquiries or more information about RISE: The Jessica Phoenix Story, reach out via the form below:

It begins with a dream – a passion. It is nourished by a deep faith, a conviction. The story that unfolds before you is so remarkable is so many different ways. It is not about overcoming one challenge, but multiples of challenges, one after another, and still having an unshakeable faith and love – for one’s dream. All with grace, kindness, and dignity.

All told from the perspective of her best friend, her confidante – her sister. Together, these two sisters are dynamos. They are smart, funny, beautiful, and dedicated to each other. They are a sheer joy to be around.

As a publisher, we know that some of these pages are tough, especially for Dawn, Jessica’s mother, as they recount the moment when she nearly lost her youngest child. We hold that responsibility very closely to our hearts, and we hope we have honoured the sacrifices you, and other mothers have made, when supporting the dreams of their children.

For Jessica and Julie, this is just the beginning, for there are many more stories to share.

For our readers – thank you for supporting their story. We are now in our Fourth Edition of RISE: The Jessica Phoenix Story. We hope you find within these pages the inspiration, faith, and conviction you need to nourish your dreams, your passion, (and know that when obstacles do appear,  you are heading in the right direction!)   

For it is not about the money.

But it is about the faith.


The stunning cover photo of Jessica on Pavarotti was taken by Ellen Cameron,
on a cold and damp summer morning, during the Pan AM torch relay. 



New Book from Julie Fitz-Gerald!

We are pleased to announce the upcoming publication Faith to RISE: 52 Weekly Devotionals for Real Life (A Journey to Joy and Centering). Based on a radio series written by Julie Fitz-Gerald and broadcast on both radio and YouTube,  Faith to RISE offers weekly nuggets of inspiration, refreshingly real, from the point of view

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Rise School Tour & Pledge

ROAR PUBLISHING INC., a division of The Roar Group of Companies, is pleased to announce the RISE SCHOOL TOUR & PLEDGE, with two-time Olympian, five-time Pan Am Medalist Jessica Phoenix and author Julie Fitz-Gerald. Since the beginning of November 2018, Phoenix and Fitz-Gerald have visited over 3,500 students in Ontario

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The Jessica Phoenix Story Book Tour comes to Alberta

ROAR PUBLISHING INC., a division of The Roar Group of Companies, publisher of RISE: The Jessica Phoenix Story by Julie Fitz-Gerald (ISBN: 978-0-9688438-1-9) is pleased to announce The RISE TOUR & PLEDGE, with two-time Olympian, five-time Pan Am Medalist Jessica Phoenix and author Julie Fitz-Gerald, is heading to Alberta this

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